Thursday, April 17, 2008

Weather Chart

Prior to this activity I thought that the weather would not change so drastically, and the temperature would stay relitivally the same.
The activity's objectives were to understand more about the weathers patterns during this time of the year, and Michigan's climate.
I learned from this activity that the weather is really unpredictable. It can vary greatly from day to day.

This connects to my topic because the weather effects the ocean currents. If the weather is bad and stormy, than the ocean will be really rocky.Water currents effect the climate conditions around the world by directly influencing weather patterns and ocean currents.

Two relevant Links :

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Activity 4

Before I began this activity I knew very little about the Coriolis effect. I knew it had something to do with temperatures, but thats about all I knew.

This activity's objective was to understand how ocean currents work and the pattern and direction they go in.

I learned a lot from this activity. I learned that the Coriolis effect is the unequal heating and cooling of the atmosphere by the underlying ocean and land surfaces that produce winds. I also learned more about ocean currents.

Ocean currents drastically connect to the topic of the coriolis effect. The coriolis effect drives the ocean currents because the fluids cant keep up with the solid earth rotation.

Two relevent web links are