Thursday, May 29, 2008

Question 6
Global Science Final Exam.

The three types of plate boundaries are convergent, divergent and transform. Convergent plate boundaries occur when two or more tectonic plates or fragments of lithosphere move toward one another and collide. Divergent plates is the exact opposite of convergent plates, divergent plates occur when plate tectonics move away from one another. Transform plate boundaries occur when two plates slide past one another.

A geographic feature associated with a divergent boundary is mid Atlantic ridges and continental drifts. And example of a transform boundary would be the San Andreas Fault or the Alpine Fault, NZ. And an example of convergent plate tectonics coming together would be the India-Asia collision or the Himalayas.

Plate tectonics are a key component in the sea floor spreading. The sea floor is spreading due to divergent plate tectonics. Mid-ocean ridges, such as the mid-Atlantic ridge is a clear example of convergent plate tectonics. The moving of these plate tectonics is creating these natural phenomenons such as the mid-Atlantic ridge.

Final Exam

see above for picture examples.

Global Science Final Exam:

Question 1:

The geosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere all make up the earth. In order to understand why all of these things make up the earth, you first have to understand what they all are individually.

The geosphere is the solid Earth, this includes continental and oceanic crust and various layers of the Earth's interior. The hydrosphere is describes the collective mass of water found on, under, and over the surface of a planet.
The atmosphere is layer of gases that may surround a material body of sufficient mass. And the biosphere is the part of the Earth including air land and surface rocks and water , within which life occurs, and which biotic processes in turn alter or transform. All of these systems work in unison to help each other out.

The impact on human activities has greatly disturbed the interactions between these major systems that help our earth. The human activities such as deforestation have greatly impacted out earth, for example when there is deforestation out hydrosphere suffers greatly due to not have enough oxygen to produce H2O. Deforestation is also driving thousands of species each year to extinction and reducing biological diversity. Other human activities such as air pollution also effect our planet. This mainly effects our atmosphere by polluting the air with chemical toxins that our bad for our earth and for humans as well. These toxins are even as bad that they could possibly kill someone. Other human activities such as the pollutions of water also destroy our earth and hurt the hydrosphere. Water is essential for humans to live, and if we continue to pollute it there wont be any healthy water left for us to drink. Water is also important for transport the soluble nutrients that are needed for plant growth, and for transporting the waste products of life's chemical reactions.
The biosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and geoshpere all work together. The atmosphere must have a healthy and stable biosphere in order to survive; the hydrosphere must have a healthy atmosphere to survive and so on.

I think knowing this information will greatly help scientist in the future. They will be able to inform others about the human impact on our earth, and help the earth in their own way. I also think that if society knew about our ecological footprint and the importance of keeping our biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere and geospehre healthy, they would be more prone to reduce their ecological footprint. They might also inform others about this problem.

Websites used:
The Bioshphere, <> date accessed 28, may,2008
Biosphere, <> date accessed 29,may,2008
Hydrosphere, <> date accessed 28, may,2008
The Geosphere, <> date accessed 28, may,2008
Atmosphere , <> date accessed, 28,may,2008

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Weather Chart

Prior to this activity I thought that the weather would not change so drastically, and the temperature would stay relitivally the same.
The activity's objectives were to understand more about the weathers patterns during this time of the year, and Michigan's climate.
I learned from this activity that the weather is really unpredictable. It can vary greatly from day to day.

This connects to my topic because the weather effects the ocean currents. If the weather is bad and stormy, than the ocean will be really rocky.Water currents effect the climate conditions around the world by directly influencing weather patterns and ocean currents.

Two relevant Links :

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Activity 4

Before I began this activity I knew very little about the Coriolis effect. I knew it had something to do with temperatures, but thats about all I knew.

This activity's objective was to understand how ocean currents work and the pattern and direction they go in.

I learned a lot from this activity. I learned that the Coriolis effect is the unequal heating and cooling of the atmosphere by the underlying ocean and land surfaces that produce winds. I also learned more about ocean currents.

Ocean currents drastically connect to the topic of the coriolis effect. The coriolis effect drives the ocean currents because the fluids cant keep up with the solid earth rotation.

Two relevent web links are

Friday, March 28, 2008

Activity 1

In activity 1 I learned that soil heats up the fastest. When i first started the experiment, I was under the impression that the water would heat up the fastest, and cooled down the fastest. I also made the assumption that the snow would heat up extremally quickally, but as the data shows, i learned that my hypthoisis wasn't true. It relates to my topic of ocean currents because they both deal with convection currents, of extreme temperature changes that create the currents. The warm water rises when the cold air comes in that's what cause ocean currents come from.
